~THEE Art of Sound/Vibration~~~~

Go back in time, you have to. Lets start with Pythagoras and his re-invention named the Monochord. I won’t explain all his work but it was a one stringed instrument with a movable bridge, like a guitar fret basically, so you place it under the string in half length divisions to teach octaves(a doubling or…

Sacred Science/Geometry – 1, 2, 3. The Monad, Dyad, Triad. Mono, Dual, Triple.

The number 1.The Monad. Represented as the geometrical shape circle by the ancient mathematical philosophers. Representing unity, wholeness, One. It is the womb that all other geometrical shapes and their corresponding numbers are birthed from, seed. A unit or 1 is always consisting of a trinity, example a family unit- father mother child.1=3. Monad expressed…